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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

"This might be the Cloud with a Silver Lining,- Be Prepared! 

Take control of your life , work remotely, and become Time and Financially  Free"

Copyright © 2022 
All rights reserved.

Expanding Opportunities without Limits

Let's first hear from Adrian Foster

Adrian Foster

HI I am Adrian Foster a South African/ American living in Europe. I'm passionate about human potential and personal development. With this business I have discovered the perfect vehicle to make my dreams and ideal lifestyle come true. 

I began down this path after years living in the Sultanate of Oman, working as an International Financial planner and managing my wellness and fitness group, "Boot Camp Zulu". When I met Kim, the girl of my dreams, I decided to follow her to Morocco (and the world) for her career. 

Now, I work from home or while on holiday from anywhere in the world, no bosses no time schedules. I now have unlimited family time and we can follow our passion of traveling the world.

 The new Plan is: "To live the dream" and build up a team of positive, enthusiastic  like minded people to join me on this adventure of "Unlimited Choices"

 Now married and living in Vienna, Austria, this business is the ultimate solution, work from home with a totally portable business, and unlimited Earning Potential. This is a Dream Maker!

Freedom is having the time and freedom to travel to Beautiful Places! Brest in Brittany with Yummy Seafood!

Husky Sledding with my wife Kim in the Jura mountains of Switzerland 

Enjoying a beer after a great hike in the mountains of Muren, Switzerland 

Not being restricted to one city for work meant I was able to follow my soul mate around the world and enjoy the pleasures of life.

THE PROBLEM: As a "Trailing Spouse" I was always faced with the challenges of language; Oman, Morocco, Switzerland and now Austria. Then came the problems involving "Work Visas, and Local laws on qualifications and age related employment standards. The pandemic has also seen the world turned upside down. We finally have the time to reinvent ourselves . We no longer need to work long hours, miss  workouts, and let our personal goals slip away and miss life changing opportunities. Cut out all the above challenges and work remotely, Worldwide as an International business owner! 

You never know what might happen, and being prepared and having choices is the ultimate solution!

THE PATH THAT LED ME HERE: I've been an avid reader of Personal Development since I was 19 years old. It started with the How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, then Think & Grow Rich and countless others since. Every spare cent I had would be spent on books (second hand books back in those days). I got my start initially as a teacher working in South Africa. Although I loved the teaching aspect, I found it to be financially and creatively constraining. There were always new rules and regulations to adhere to, I felt I had little to no control over my own time and destiny. This led me to pursue other options such as Real Estate and Financial Planning.

MY REALIZATION: Colon Cancer in 2007 was my blessing in disguise. After a year of hell on earth and losing my momentum in the world, I decided to throw caution to the wind and travel overseas. Cancer taught me that life is short and life is to be lived, no more the sweating the small stuff, working with corporate egos and having no time for my family. Finally, I found online business in personal development. There was something about it that drew me in and the rest, as they say, is history! It is lucrative, exciting, and challenging. Combining my favorite features from my past life, I am building a new life with no limits. 

 If you're looking for a way to be rewarded for your time and talent. If you're a great multi tasker and have a couple of hours a day (within the nooks and crannies) to devote to a new business venture, then reach out to me using the form above!

Adrian Foster

"I spent over 15 years in the corporate systems, where I found myself stressed, overworked, underappreciated (and underpaid) only to essentially build someone else's dream. I knew there was more to life than that, so I told myself I was ready for a change. It was important for me to believe in myself and my ability to create a lifestyle that best suits me. I love the person I am becoming through the products of this business and even more the business itself. I am proof that with the right mindset, support, tools and focus - you truly can visualize, dream and create the life you desire!" - Emily Adolph, USA

I enjoyed a successful career working in retail and business management. I enjoyed my job and I was good at it, but I got tired of building someone else's dream. It was disheartening to have the bar raised each year after achieving the targets set out by the company only to have the goal posts moved. Today I operate my Online Portable business from anywhere & with that comes the flexibility & the ability to outearn my previous income. - Simon Haggard - QLD, Australia

Simon Haggard

Emily Adolph 

"I was a stressed out, burnt out teacher in a tremendous amount of debt. I was searching for a way to achieve more time freedom while still earning a good income. These days I get to work from home around my two kids and have earned more in a month than I used to earn in an entire year in my teaching profession."- Lise Reitsma, BC Canada

Lise Reitsma, BC Canada

I"I'm an independent Mum of 2 school aged children & a carer for my elderly Mum with dementia. Being able to create a full-time income from home, in super flexible hours is critical for me. Actually, achieving that goal doing something I love is beyond amazing. I would never be able to have this lifestyle with a corporate career and aside from everything else, I still get my "career fix" - that sense of achievement every day, on my terms. Love, love, love it" ~ Kirsty Goldsworthy, Adelaide South Australia

Kirsty Goldsworthy 


202 652 7609